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How To Keto Meal Plan 101

Having a keto meal plan is an absolute necessity to succeeding on keto. Especially if you’re a beginner or trying to get back into it. Creating the best keto meal plan for you can be time-consuming, but it’s a worthwhile task that will save you tons of time and money on the backend. Whether you need a 7 day meal plan, or a plan for every month, we got you covered today. We’re going to show you how our team creates our top rated keto meal plans!

1. Create a Keto Menu

Every week our team starts by developing a keto menu for the week. Decide on a couple of breakfast meals, some lunches, and some dinner options to include. We then create easy to make, perfectly keto recipes for each of these. You’ll want to look up recipes or create your own. Then we adapt these recipes to fit perfect keto macros. You can do this by putting all of your ingredients into a meal calculator, and then adjusting portions and adding keto-friendly ingredients to get you to your macros. Our team spends a lot of time making sure these recipes are perfect, so all you have to do is make them. If you don’t have the time, just use our plans!

2. Build a Meal Plan Schedule

Start by choosing Monday - Friday or a full 7 days. Create a chart with each day and then sections for breakfast lunch and dinner. Here you’ll schedule out your portions for each meal. You can refer to this chart throughout the week to know exactly what you’re eating next. On our charts, we include the macros of each meal. These schedule give you a simple resource to refer to and keep your meals on track.

3. Create a Keto Recipe Bank

You’ll want to consolidate all of your keto recipes for the week. We do this by creating a simple section on your meal plan (accessible by computer or phone) with all of the recipes for the week. It breaks them down by breakfast lunch and dinners, and then you just click on one to expand the ingredients and instructions. Obviously it would be hard to create something similar at home, but you can just put all of your keto recipes into a word document!

4. Make a Keto Grocery List

The next thing you’ll do is look through all of your recipes and come up with a grocery list of everything you’ll need. We think about this as we build our recipes, and create recipes that share ingredients so that are grocery shopping is as quick and cheap as possible. You can put all of your recipe ingredients into a list, and then add the same items up to ultimately get a complete list. Once you build your keto grocery list, make sure to subtract any items you already have at home. We like to break our list down by Meats, Dairy, Produce, and Pantry.

5. Make a Keto Meal Prep Guide - Single Day

We like to look through our entire week and then figure out the most efficient way to prep all of the meals at once. We create a step by step list to follow so after just a few hours of following it, all of your meal are ready for the week! We would strongly recommend doing this for yourself. It saves a lot of time on the backend.

Keto meal planning is the only way we have ever found success in keto. Our team builds these amazing meal plans every month, and we offer a membership to get 24/7 access to our entire library of weekly meal plans. They save you all of the time it takes to do the above, plus money at the grocery store. So if you don’t think you have the time to do all of the planning, every single week, feel free to join a bunch of other keto-ers in using our meal plan!