Jess’s 80lb Weight Loss Journey

“I have learned that weight loss is just the result of committing to loving your body”


Meet Jess! She’s been crushing Keto for almost 3 years, and has lost 80 lbs along the way. So, what pushed her to start?

“I was always a chubby kid growing up and I had very little understanding of nutrition. For me, food was just excitement, comfort, and connection. Many of the people closest to me were overweight, and I really believed that I was always meant to be bigger.”

“I adopted terrible eating habits after college and my appetite continued to grow. I started cropping and filtering photos, wearing jeans in the Phoenix summers, and avoiding social gatherings. I tried everything from shots, ultrasound something or other, HCG, appetite suppressants, super low calorie eating and expensive personal training. Many things worked, until they didn’t. I gained back almost every pound I lost.”

Jess first heard about Keto on a Joe Rogan podcast back in October 2017, and jumped in the very next day.

“I no longer have to focus on the things that I can’t have. Sticking to this way of eating for so long has only been so easy because of all of the foods that I CAN have!”

“I have gained an understanding about my body, tools and knowledge to help maintain my weight, mental clarity, and have lost significant weight.”

Jess takes an approach of progress over perfection. She’s found what works for her, and knows that everyone can achieve their goals in their own way.

“An important step for me along this journey was tracking my meals. I do not do this every day, but committing to it for several months helped me to understand macros, portion control, and how to make better decisions when it comes to food. I still make mistakes, but I have learned that weight loss is just the result of committing to loving your body, and nourishing it well and you don’t have to have it all figured out to start.”


Keto Journey: Down 70lbs In a Year


Transformation: The Friendship That Keeps Giving (and losing!)